PeRak - Mandala Finance
Mandala PeRak
26 Years of Thriving Together
Celebrate Mandala’s 26th Birthday in the Vibrant Festivities of Perhelatan Rakyat
As we celebrate our 26th anniversary, Mandala once again brings you the vibrant event known as 'Perhelatan Rakyat' (PeRak), a gathering of joy and spirit to share the incredible journey we have embarked on together with our extended Keluarga and Teman Mandala, spread across the beautiful expanse of Indonesia.
Mandala PeRak will be making its presence felt across 16 cities from July to October 2023, making stops in Cimahi, Purwokerto, Palembang, Palu, Banjarmasin, Makassar, and 10 other cities.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the unwavering and incredible support from Keluarga and Teman Mandala throughout this journey.
Let's celebrate these 26 remarkable years by continuing to walk hand in hand, crafting achievements, and building a future alongside Mandala, who has always remained a steadfast and reliable companion.
Mark your calendars and let the excitement build as we come together in joyous festivities at the upcoming Mandala PeRak event in your nearest city!
#TumbuhBersama #MandalaPeRak #26TahunMandala

Get ready for 'Mandala PeRak' coming to your city!

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